Premium VDR for M&A and Due Diligence


If you are looking for an investor or selling a company/shares, at some point, you will need to share your company’s documents with potential investors, including confidential and proprietary information. A VDR allows you to create a fully protected repository of the documents expected by investors and share them in a convenient and controlled manner for analysis.

Documents stored in the VDR are secured against saving, printing, and editing, have watermarks, and allow you to hide sensitive information. From the perspective of a company owner who is uncertain about finding the right investor, these are crucial mechanisms that protect their interests in the long run. It’s essential to safeguard your company’s interests when giving external parties access to your secrets or intellectual property, especially when the success of the transaction is not guaranteed.

Due to its advanced security and control mechanisms, data rooms are used not only in the M&A sector but are also very popular for due diligence, audits, the life sciences industry, banking, and, more recently, in the renewable energy sector for investment projects.

A Virtual Data Room (VDR) is more than just a document storage system; it’s an advanced tool designed to support investment processes like mergers and acquisitions, fundraising, due diligence, audits and more. It has a range of features that make these processes efficient and secure. For example, the VDR includes a tool to hide sensitive information before sharing documents, secure communication tools for both the seller and investors, and activity reports that help you understand investor intentions and prepare for negotiations.

The main difference between a VDR and regular file-sharing systems is the strong security features that protect the documents stored in Data Room and are absent in typical file-sharing systems. These include read-only mode, preventing documents from being saved to a disk or printed, blocking screenshots, watermarks, and a simple yet powerful permission model that lets you control who can access specific files and to what extent.

Additionally, the VDR comes with 24/7 technical support (which is crucial for international transactions) and other deal-related services like organizing and uploading documents, managing the VDR on behalf of the client, and preparing a Data Room archive with a data compliance certificate, often required as part of the investment agreement.

Our 1600+ Clients trust us for being a right-away & flexible VDR partner.

We act quickly because we know that time is crucial in the M&A industry. Our sales representatives and support team respond immediately, answering your call within 15 seconds, replying to your emails within 15 minutes, even after 5 PM, as we understand you often work beyond regular hours. The system itself is extremely fast and reliable, and we are continually investing in product development to make it faster and better with every improvement.

Every client is our VIP client, regardless of the size of your company or scale of the transaction. 77% of our clients come from referrals, as we act as their close VDR advisor, trainer, admin & concierge in one.

For our EU-based clients we also guarantee:

  • GDPR Compliance
  • MIFID, MAR Compliance
  • Data processing within EEA
  • Data Centers located in EU

Yes, Fordata is GDPR compliant. We implement the security mechanisms required by GDPR in our VDR system, including 256-bit EV SSL encryption, event logging in the Data Room, advanced access authorization (secure passwords, SMS, NDA acceptance), and enforcing periodic password changes. Our data centers are located in the European Union, and we guarantee that the personal data entrusted to us by clients is processed within the European Economic Area (EEA).

Additionally, we meet the formal requirements of GDPR, including:
1) signing a Data Processing Agreement with each client,
2) maintaining a Register of Processing Activities for the personal data entrusted to us by clients, and
3) regularly conducting a Risk Analysis of Personal Data Security Breach (based on a methodology that has been in use at FORDATA for many years).

For 14 years, we have been managing information security in accordance with the ISO 27001:2013 standard, which ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the data entrusted to us, including personal data. We also regularly raise the team’s awareness of GDPR and personal data security through MISA (Monthly Information Security Announcements) meetings.

Store, monitor and share
business critical documents
with  investors, advisers, lawyers, banks, auditors, partners
securely and with total control.
Maximize deal efficiency,
while staying in control

Create and organize your Virtual Data Room in minutes. Upload documents quickly with drag & drop, or create folders instantly by importing an xls file. Utilize templates, auto-indexing, and other tools to accelerate preparation.

With features like read-only mode, preventing file copying, downloading, or printing, plus dynamic watermarks as a standard, you can be sure that you have precise control over your most sensitive information.

You decide who sees what and to what extent. Grant the same permissions to multiple investors with one click or differentiate access based on transaction needs. Utilize bulk operations to expedite tasks.

Use a powerful Q&A tool to easily manage a large number of questions from investors and guarantee the confidentiality of communication. Use several workflows to streamline this cumbersome process.

Monitor activity and understand investors' intentions using comprehensive reports on documents viewed, time spent analyzing, and more. Be prepared before negotiations.

Power your deal with AI

  • With our built-in redaction tool you will shorten redaction time and increase precision by 80%. Redact sensitive information in documents in 18 formats, including PDF, Word, PPT or even XLS!


  • Be prepared for cross-border deals and teams with automatic translations. Facilitate document analysis by letting investors translate documents into 59 languages. With just one click!


  • Streamline your operations with Due diligence related automations, advanced search options, notifications about new files, NDA templates and more.


  • With our built-in redaction tool you will shorten redaction time and increase precision by 80%. Redact sensitive information in documents in 18 formats, including PDF, Word, PPT or even XLS!


  • Be prepared for cross-border deals and teams with automatic translations. Facilitate document analysis by letting investors translate documents into 59 languages. With just one click!


  • Streamline your operations with Due diligence related automations, advanced search options, notifications about new files, NDA templates and more.


Grant Thornton

We have used many VDR’s in the past but FORDATA has truly exceeded our expectations. The system was intuitive and user friendly, which made our lives so much easier. Customer service was great and always available when needed.

01 .
We know our clients by name and treat everyone as VIP, regardless of transaction value.
02 .
We act fast, understanding that time is crucial in the M&A industry.
03 .
We guarantee EU compliance with EU-based data centers and data processed within EEA.

Experience the value of FORDATA Support 24/7 and M&A related services

  • Data room setup
  • Document upload
  • VDR Management on your behalf
  • Post-deal VDR Archive
  • Extra M&A related services
  • 24/7 support for all VDR users

15 years of experience combined with local European expertise

  • 1 600 +

    completed deals

  • EUR 10 billion +

    value of completed transactions

  • 150 000 +

    users from around the world

  • 42 countries

    Europe, Asia, South America, USA

Close deals faster, safer and more comfortably

Exchange confidential documents securely with full support at every stage of your transaction. See Fordata Virtual Data Room in action